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5 Sentences in German and Spanish Daily|Day #1

*Daily practice sentences.

If you’ve read the post on the Two languages in 3 months challenge evaluation , I’ve mentioned in point #7 that “I didn’t have a pen and paper notebook to record learned words and phrases from day one”. Well, apart from that I’ve also decided I would keep an online record of the words I learn by making sentences out of them. I will keep it pretty simple to start with but may end up writing grammar notes about the sentences later on.

Five sentences is a very manageable number, once I get into the habit I will turn it onto 10 sentences per day for each language.

If you know German or Spanish, feel free to point out my awful and horrible mistakes anytime!


  1. Ich bin heute sehr glücklich
  2. Wir wohnen nicht im Spanien
  3. Der Lampe ist hell
  4. Sie glauben so
  5. Er liest die Zeitung



  1. La vida es una cosa maravillosa!
  2. Le gusta la musica
  3. Tu hermoso es mas alto
  4. Que me quieres decir?
  5. No tengo tiempo por esso

6 thoughts on “5 Sentences in German and Spanish Daily|Day #1

  1. This kind of exercise keeps you on track, in line and motivated above all else.
    I do similar stuff for French. Not a day without at least 20 new phrases / words that I found throughout the day. So, there’s pretty much no place for slacking, considering.
    Stay committed to your goal and keep up posting the sentences !

    Good day!

    1. Yes, exactly! Merci 🙂
      Wow can you really manage 20 phrases a day? What is your routine? Do you set up a time to write them all, or you write them on the go as they come to your mind?

      1. Well, in a nutshell, every day I read a lot in French, while commuting, etc. In reading, I come across quite a few unknown words for me and most importantly language constructions. But for you to start noticing the latter you need to be extremely attentive and actually be aware of way you’re looking for. I call it a language combinatorics. Like playing chess. In short, any language can be deconstructed in a set of different constructions, namely, sarcasm, antiphrase, just unusual sentence starters (say, “Not unless bla bla “. Mind you, my native language is Russian, so yeah… No free passes for me. Oh, forgot to mention the most important part of the speech – interjections! If you manage to master those, that’s what will skyrocket your language fluency like you wouldn’t believe.

        So, yup, I made a couple of videos on that in Russian but I hope you get idea as to what I do 😉

        Good day!

        1. Very interesting, didn’t think about categorizing sentences in that way, although now seems to make perfect sense wanting to do so.
          You would be one of my go to Russian resources for sure once I come around to learning it!
          Thank you again 🙂

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