Italian Italiano Language learning

Weekly sentences in 7 languages

Hallo Leute!
I haven’t posted much these past two week. It seems that I really needed a break! My mind is literally exhausted from all the effort that goes into language learning. It’s true that I enjoy it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it comes easier -especially if you are working on several other projects!

I’ve just started learning Turkish this week. One of my best friends speaks Turkish, she’s currently studying in Istanbul and I can’t wait to surprise her by talking to her in this language. We also share the same love for Asian languages and culture (Korean and Japanese in particular, but that’s a mission for another year!

Alright, since I’m a total beginner to Turkish I’ll have to start from the very basics.
I want to compile here a list of vocabulary and topics that I want to master by the end of the next two months.

What I’m planning to do for now is to publish weekly posts that will summarize and give an overview on some of the Turkish I’ve learnt. I thought I’d make this relevant to you as well and include a translation to other languages I know or have been studying. Since I have absolutely no background in Turkish I will start from the greetings and the basic vocabulary with their corresponding translation in English, Italian,  Arabic, Spanish, German,  and French!

I’ve been thinking about the best format for presenting the sentences, and possibly having a monthly pdf copy that you could easily download and use as review, or maybe I’ll put it as an image… Oh well, but until I have that figured out, I don’t want to keep delaying this post that is already long overdue!

Checkout or download Basic Greetings in 7 Languages!

P.S. Thank you David for the corrections, and if you spot any mistakes feel free to let me know too; I am, in fact, just on a learning journey and your input is always welcome!






19 thoughts on “Weekly sentences in 7 languages

  1. Hi/Salut/Hola/Ciao/Hallo/Merhaba! I think the pdf you created is awesome! And good luck on your Turkish studies. I did want to correct two mistakes I noticed on the pdf, for Spanish and French.

    “You’re welcome” is “De nada” in Spanish, not “De neda”. And “How are you” in French is “Comment vas-tu”. “Allez” (spelled with “z”, not “s”) is used for the formal/plural “you” in French, “vous”. So formally or for more than one person you could say “Comment allez-vous”. But informally you would say “comment vas-tu”.

    Just sharing what I’ve learned along my language learning journey.

      1. No I wasn’t aware of that. That’s weird; when I click on my avatar, I’m taken to my Gravatar page which has my 2 WordPress blogs. The same happens when I click on your avatar – I’m taken to your Gravatar page.

  2. Hi there,

    Great to read one of your posts again. Hope your Turkish language journey goes well. I’m sure your friend will be both surprised and pleased. I checked out the language sheet, it’s great. We have many tourists who come to visit where I work, a lot of them are German so a few basic phrases certainly comes in handy 🙂

  3. Hi Eureka, I think it’s a great idea to follow your own language journey in Turkish, to find a path to follow here, passing your knowledge on to others as you go. Perfect. Regards, Marie.

    1. Sugoi Deees! OMG for a second reading your comment I thought you were a friend of mine because we always say those same phrases to each other!! – except the Jayo part which I never heard- I almost went to your blog believing I would find out that she too had started the blog, and surprise surprise, it turns out that your are not her, or she is not you or however you want to put that. Anyway, pleasure to meet you, and thank you for passing by and commenting <3 Hontoni arigatou gozeimasu 🙂

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